
Welcome to the Department of Microbiology, where curiosity meets discovery. Our department is a thriving hub of scientific exploration, dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of microscopic life. We are committed to fostering a deep understanding of microorganisms and their impact on health, environment, and industry. Through innovative research and hands-on learning experiences, we empower students to explore diverse realms—from microbial genetics to environmental microbiology. Join us in uncovering the fascinating intricacies of the microbial world and preparing for careers at the forefront of scientific advancement.

Discover, learn, and innovate with us at the Department of Microbiology.

Recognized Ph.D. Supervisor: Dr. Archana Pandey
Admission: As per the norms of Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (C.G.)